i want a full feature pixar/dreamworks/whatever animation movie entirely scripted by tekkoman, and i want it now!
Any chance this is going to be animated in Belgium?
Almost forgot to mention AWESOME dude!
This looks interesting as hell. Always wondered what you did at your day job. Very beautiful work and imaginative! Of course, it didn't make me laugh as much as other posts. :)
jesus tek, you are a MONSTER. these look so great!
These are really awesome. I like the one with all of the clocks. The colors on the tiny cloud one at the bottom is really amazing too.
I agree with Jens!I agree with Jens!I agree with Jens!I agree with Jens!I agree with Jens!...and Beautiful post, Tek. You are a talented Mofo.
Veerry nice work Tek. :)
is there any specific way you practiced to get this good at painting?
Hey! Where are the jokes!?
Amazing concept art!!
Great stuff! Epic!
AWESOME JOB, MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great everything!
Dang, that's really good -- and you're funny too!
holy shit, you are really good. great work!
These great!
I always love colorkeys! thanks for posting these, tekko
fantastic work Tek !! real joy to see you doing colors
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i want a full feature pixar/dreamworks/whatever animation movie entirely scripted by tekkoman, and i want it now!
Any chance this is going to be animated in Belgium?
Almost forgot to mention AWESOME dude!
This looks interesting as hell. Always wondered what you did at your day job. Very beautiful work and imaginative!
Of course, it didn't make me laugh as much as other posts. :)
jesus tek, you are a MONSTER. these look so great!
These are really awesome. I like the one with all of the clocks. The colors on the tiny cloud one at the bottom is really amazing too.
I agree with Jens!
I agree with Jens!
I agree with Jens!
I agree with Jens!
I agree with Jens!
...and Beautiful post, Tek. You are a talented Mofo.
Veerry nice work Tek. :)
is there any specific way you practiced to get this good at painting?
Hey! Where are the jokes!?
Amazing concept art!!
Great stuff! Epic!
AWESOME JOB, MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great everything!
Dang, that's really good -- and you're funny too!
holy shit, you are really good. great work!
These great!
I always love colorkeys! thanks for posting these, tekko
fantastic work Tek !! real joy to see you doing colors
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